Relevance Feedback Algorithm Encouraged By Quantum Detection

Relevance Feedback Algorithm Encouraged By Quantum Detection

K.V.K. Pavani, Y.V.V.Satyanarayana

K.V.K. Pavani, Y.V.V.Satyanarayana "Relevance Feedback Algorithm Encouraged By Quantum Detection" Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Special Issue | NCETC-17 , April 2017, URL:

Data recovery is concerned with indexing and retrieval documents excluding information related to a user’s information need. Relevance feedback is a class of effective algorithms for improving terms and to re-rank the document retrieved by an information retrieval system. These algorithm projects the query vector on a subspace spanned information recovery, and it consists of gathering further data representing the user’s information need and automatically creating a new query. In this paper, I propose a class of state of being relevant feedback algorithm motivated by quantum detection to re-weight the query by the eigenvector which maximizes the distance among the distribution of quantum probability of bearing and the distribution of quantum probability of non-relevance.

Data recovery; Quantum mechanics; quantum detection; relevance feedback; probability.

Special Issue | NCETC-17 , April 2017


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