S.Anitha, Dr.V.Valli Mayil, Dr.T.Padma
The main objective of our survey is to explore the cloud services for mobile users to provide seamless services and user experience to mobile device users irrespective of their limited resource constraints. Resource constraints in the mobile device namely low processing, limited storage and low battery time restricts the drastic handling of mobile devices in almost all areas of domain like Personal shopping, Healthcare, Education, Social media etc. A solution for resource constraints in mobile devices is Cloud services by which mobile users can outsource their storage and processing. In this paper, the diverse ways of providing cloud services to Mobile users are analyzed. Our survey depicts three major ways of mobile cloud service provisions which includes Cloud services from mobile device manufactures like iCloud, MI cloud, Mobile Network Operator’s cloud services and other cloud service providers through Internet.
Cloud Service, Mobile users, Mobile Resources, Augmentation, Mobile cloud, iCloud, MNO.