Drying of Chemical Gypsum

Drying of Chemical Gypsum

Parthkumar Patel, S.K.Srivastava, Nimit Desai

Parthkumar Patel, S.K.Srivastava, Nimit Desai "Drying of Chemical Gypsum" Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , October 2016, URL: http://www.ijtrd.com/papers/IJTRD4098.pdf

Gypsum is chemically known as “Calcium Sulfate dehydrate”.Gypsum Contains Calcium, Sulphar Bound to Oxygen and Water. Different type of Gypsum are available like as Mineral Gypsum , Synthetic Gypsum and Chemical Gypsum. Mineral Gypsum is a common mineral obtained from surface and underground deposits.Chemical Gypsum is obtained as Chemical waste from Chemical plant. Cement plant Require Gypsum as Additive for Making Cement. Gypsum is useful For Regulate Setting Time. J.K.Lakshmi Cement Limited Use Chemical Gypsum as Additive. Chemical Gypsum has Moisture Contain up to 35%. Due to Moisture Contain Handling of Gypsum is difficult.The purpose of this study was to investigate an economical solution to the Gypsum handling problem at Cement Grinding Unit ,Kalol. The general trend is mechanical dewatering to obtain a Moisture content up to 10%.It was found that, here we can use Mechanical System,Thermal System and Solar System. After Different types analysis Solar drying method was applied the total amount of Moisture of the Chemical gypsum would be reduced by approximately 25%. This would lead to a reduction in the transportation, handling costs and time.

Gypsum, Moisture, Cement Industry, Drying.

Volume-3 | Issue-5 , October 2016


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