Nivetha S, Suchitra B
Online Auction is known by different names, including electronic reverse bid auction, reverse auctions or simple E-Auction .Online auction is a group which is based for auction. anyone can sell something by auction on that website. The main of the online auction process must be to obtain best value and the higher price. It cannot be possible to achieve best value result at the same time the focus remains on amount. There are two categories of person one is customer and the second one is vendor. Vendor can sell their artifact on this website and customer will purchase it. Artifact will be given to that buyer who put a higher bidding price on the artifacts to purchase. After completion of bidding action all the bids are check and the artifacts will give to the buyer to purchase who has a high bidding amount. This Project conveys it will be very beneficial for the new users in online auction system. Buyer have more additional gratification in this project.
Artifact, Bidding, Transaction, Selling, Auction