Impact of Technological Changes in Small-Scale Industries; A Conceptual Study on Indian Industry

Impact of Technological Changes in Small-Scale Industries; A Conceptual Study on Indian Industry

D.Sudhir Babu, B. K. Surya Prakasha Rao

D.Sudhir Babu, B. K. Surya Prakasha Rao "Impact of Technological Changes in Small-Scale Industries; A Conceptual Study on Indian Industry" Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Volume-6 | Issue-1 , February 2019, URL:

The Indian small-scale sector is considered as the mainstay for the country’s economic growth and has attentively working for the fortification of the Indian economy as 45% of the country’s exports have been deriving from the small-scale units only. The concerned sector is equipped with 36.1 million units around the country and spread very much evenly throughout the country, the small-scale industries which are in the manufacturing sector contributed for 6.11 % and the services sector contributed for 24.63% of the nation’s GDP and adding to this the sector has been providing 120 million job opportunities. The Indian small-scale industrial sector started adopting the technological changes to attain the effective production. This research paper aimed to analyze the various factors of technological changes and their impact on promotion of small-scale industries.

Small-scale industry, Technological changes, Effective Production, Promotion of small-scale industry

Volume-6 | Issue-1 , February 2019


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