Issues and Problems in Teacher Education

Issues and Problems in Teacher Education

Anandhi S, S.Mohammed Rafi

Anandhi S, S.Mohammed Rafi "Issues and Problems in Teacher Education" Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Special Issue | NCCCTE-18 , February 2018, URL:

Teacher education or teacher training refers to the policies, procedures, and provision designed to equip teachers with the knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills they require to perform their tasks effectively in the classroom, school, and wider community. The professionals who engage in this activity are called teacher educators (or, in some contexts, teacher trainers).There is a longstanding and ongoing debate about the most appropriate term to describe these activities. The term 'teacher training' (which may give the impression that the activity involves training staff to undertake relatively routine tasks) seems to be losing ground, at least in the U.S., to 'teacher education' (with its connotation of preparing staff for a professional role as a reflective practitioner).


Special Issue | NCCCTE-18 , February 2018


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