Performance Appraisal System- An Instrument for Training for Trainers

Performance Appraisal System- An Instrument for Training for Trainers

Dr. S. Mufeed Ahmad, Jenifur Majid

Dr. S. Mufeed Ahmad, Jenifur Majid "Performance Appraisal System- An Instrument for Training for Trainers" Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Volume-3 | Issue-2 , April 2016, URL:

Performance appraisals are a great way for a company to assess their employees especially in the services due to their non tangibility of output, be it financial services, tourism, telecommunications or Information technology, yet by nature they are somewhat subjective. Employee reviews are often open to potential ethical complications as managers may intentionally or unintentionally evaluate staffers using different criteria, which can alter the individual scores in an unethical manner. Managers may also fail not to take their prejudices into account when issuing performance judgment, which can eventually bias their assessment and deviate their focus from the professional elements of an appraisal, and skew the results. In a flawless organisational system, the trainer would leave all bias and unethical decisions away from the assessments. Since this is not always the case, implementing training and awareness for raters is a good way for them to become familiar with the unethical possibilities so they can prevent themselves from having them occur during a performance appraisal. Writing a performance evaluation report is a challenge in itself. Managers are bound to have some employees who feel their efforts are purely instinctive. As a rater, one must observe employees working in their typical environment in full spectrum and give ratings based on observed patterns of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Although no evaluation is 100 percent unbiased, raters cognizance about the common errors and various marginal aspects of performance evaluation can help avoid moral and ethical challenges common among performance appraisals. The present research paper emphasises the significance of trainings to the trainers in telecommunication sector, in order to suggest ways to overcome them in pursuit of organisational excellence, which would eventually take a path towards better work culture, high employee morale and satisfied staff.

Performance Appraisal, Rating Errors, Organisational Effectiveness, Central Tendency, Leniency Error

Volume-3 | Issue-2 , April 2016


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