Dr.K.Thangadurai, K.Padmavathi
India is an agricultural based country which cultivates many varieties of plants for food. Plants leaves disease detection and solution are important for increasing quality and quantity of the agricultural products. Genetic algorithm is used to find out the optimal solution and used to solve problems in disease detection. Genetic algorithm is efficient searching method based on natural selection and genetics. Genetic algorithm is used to find out the optimal solutions based on natural selection and genetics. The proposed approach gives an idea about how to detect citrus canker disease in citrus plants such as lemon, orange, grapes and gets an optimal solution using various image processing tools. Citrus plants such as lemon, orange and grapes are mainly affected by citrus canker disease which affects the fruit production to these plants. Citrus canker disease identification and solution is important for increasing the quality and quantity of the production of these plants.
Citrus canker, Citrus plants, Genetic algorithm, Image processing, optimal solution.