Security in RFID Tags

Security in RFID Tags

M. Angel Jasmine Shirley

M. Angel Jasmine Shirley "Security in RFID Tags " Published in International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD), ISSN: 2394-9333, Special Issue | PCIT-15 , December 2015, URL:

Radio Frequency Identification RFID is a wireless automatic identification and data capture technology that uses radio waves to identify objects such as products, animals or persons, collecting data about them, and entering that data directly into computer systems. RFID-tags are a new generation of bar-codes with added functionality. They are becoming very popular tools for identification of products in various applications mainly for anti-counterfeiting by embedding them into a product. A passive RFID tag is a microchip that is capable of transmitting a static identifier or serial number for a short distance. It is typically activated by a query from a nearby reader, which also transmits power for the operation of the tag. Privacy is one of the most important security concerns in RFID. One approach to addressing privacy and security threats is to use a tag authentication scheme in which a tag is both identified and verified in a manner that does not reveal the tag identity to an eavesdropper. Another possible solution is the use of a privacy-enhancing cryptographic protocol to protect RFID communications

RFID, Authentication, Cryptography, Cipher Text

Special Issue | PCIT-15 , December 2015


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